夜书所见古诗原文及翻译 夜深人静,夜书原文译一盏灯火映照在书页上,古诗一篇篇古诗词在眼前展开。及翻这时候,夜书原文译时间仿佛静止了,古诗只有文字在流动。及翻 《静夜思》 床前明月光,夜书原文译疑是古诗地上霜。 举头望明月,及翻低头思故乡。夜书原文译 The古诗 Moonlit Night Beside my bed a pool of light— Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home. 《登高》 风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。及翻 无边落木萧萧下,夜书原文译不尽长江滚滚来。古诗 Ascending High The及翻 wind is gusty, the sky is high, the monkey howls mournfully; The island is clear, the sand is white, the birds fly back; Countless trees fall, rustling down; Endless river flows, endlessly rolling on. 《赋得古原草送别》 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。 Farewell to the Ancient Grass on the Prairie The grass on the plain fades, every year brings new growth; Wildfires cannot destroy it, spring winds blow it back to life; The fragrance of far-off lands reaches this ancient path, The greenery of a sunny day connects with the deserted city; Again we bid farewell to the young prince, with sadness in our hearts. |