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时间:2024-12-28 11:31:54 来源:思维文化 作者:焦点 阅读:348次

放风筝是放风一项古老而又有趣的活动。在英语中,筝用放风筝通常被称为“kite flying”。英语

Kite flying is 说写a popular outdoor activity that has been enjoyed for centuries. It involves launching a kite into the air and controlling its movements using a string attached to the kite. The kite can be made from various materials, such as paper or fabric, and can come in a variety of shapes and sizes.


To fly a kite, you first need to find an open space with enough wind to lift the kite into the air. Then, you need to assemble the kite and attach the string to it. Once you have done this, you can launch the kite into the air by running or walking against the wind while holding onto the string. As the kite rises, you can control its movements by pulling or releasing the string.


Kite flying can be a fun activity for people of all ages. It can be done alone or with friends and family. It can also be a competitive sport, with kite flying competitions held around the world.

In conclusion, kite flying is a beloved pastime that has been enjoyed for generations. Whether done for fun or competition, it is a great way to spend time outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature.


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