家庭公约是家庭一种制定家庭规则的方式,可以帮助家庭成员更好地理解彼此的公约期望和责任。以下是条英十个家庭公约的英文版: 1. Respect each other - Everyone deserves respect, so we will treat each other with kindness and consideration. 2. Communicate openly - We will listen to each other's opinions and feelings, and express ourselves honestly and respectfully. 3. Be responsible - Each member of the family is responsible for their own actions and will help to keep our home clean and tidy. 4. Show appreciation - We will show gratitude for the things that others do for us and acknowledge their efforts. 5. Use good manners - We will use polite language and manners when speaking to each other and guests. 6. Resolve conflicts peacefully - If conflicts arise, we will work together to find a solution that is fair and respectful to everyone. 7. Keep our promises - We will do what we say we will do, and communicate if we are unable to fulfill our commitments. 8. Respect privacy - We will respect each other's privacy and personal space. 9. Spend quality time together - We will make time to spend with each other, whether it's having dinner together or going on a family outing. 10. Support each other - We will support and encourage each other in our goals and aspirations. These ten family rules can help promote a positive and respectful family environment. By following them, we can create a harmonious home and strengthen our relationships with each other. |