

发帖时间:2024-12-29 04:38:09


1. 提前告知:在去别人家做客前,去别一定要提前告知,做客得到他们的条规同意,并确认时间和地点。矩用


(Make prior arrangements: Before visiting someone else's home,英语 it is important to make prior arrangements, obtain their consent, and confirm the time and location.)


2. 准时到达:一定要准时到达,不要迟到。去别

(Arrive on time: It is 做客important to arrive on time and not be late.)

3. 带礼物:带一份礼物是一个很好的方式来表达感谢和尊重。

(Bring a gift: Bringing a gift is 条规a great way to express gratitude and respect.)

4. 穿着得体:穿着要得体,适合场合。矩用

(Dress appropriately: Dress appropriately for the occasion.)

5. 不要吃到饱:不要吃太多或者把别人家里的英语食物吃光。

(Do not overeat: Do not eat too much or finish all the food in someone else's home.)

6. 尊重习俗:尊重主人的去别习俗和文化。

(Respect customs: Respect the customs and culture of the host.)

7. 不要滥用厕所:不要滥用厕所或者乱扔垃圾。做客

(Do not misuse the restroom: Do not misuse the restroom or litter.)

8. 遵守规矩:遵守主人的条规规矩和要求。

(Observe rules: Observe the rules and requirements of the host.)

9. 奉承主人:适当地夸奖主人,矩用表达感谢和喜爱。英语

(Compliment the host: Compliment the host appropriately, expressing gratitude and admiration.)

10. 客气有礼:保持客气和有礼貌的态度。

(Be polite: Maintain a polite and courteous attitude.)

