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时间:2024-12-29 16:48:39 来源:思维文化 作者:休闲 阅读:264次

In English,家庭 the word '家庭' (jiātíng) is pronounced as 'jyaa-ting'. The first syllable 'jyaa' is pronounced with a soft 'j' sound, similar to the sound in the word 'jeans'. The second syllable 'ting' is pronounced with a short 'i' sound, like the sound in the word 'bit', followed by a soft 'ng' sound, similar to the sound at the end of the word 'sing'.

It is important to note that in English, the stress is usually placed on the first syllable of a word. Therefore, when pronouncing '家庭' in English, it is important to emphasize the first syllable 'jyaa'.


Overall, when speaking English, it is important to pay attention to the pronunciation of words, especially when it comes to words with different sounds and stresses than their Chinese counterparts.



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