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时间:2024-12-29 01:01:21 来源:思维文化 作者:热点 阅读:544次







In English:

Smog is a phenomenon caused by the accumulation of atmospheric pollutants generated by human activities and natural factors. It mainly includes fine particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other substances.

The formation of smog is the result of multiple factors. Human activities, including industrial production, transportation, and construction, are one of the major sources of pollution. These activities generate a large amount of emissions such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur compounds, which accumulate in the atmosphere and form smog.

Natural factors are also important causes of smog formation. For example, atmospheric changes and wind direction can affect the diffusion and deposition of gases and particulate matter in the atmosphere, leading to the formation of smog.

To reduce the impact of smog, we need to take some measures. First, reducing emissions from pollution sources is critical. This can be achieved through strengthening environmental monitoring and promoting clean energy. Second, strengthening atmospheric monitoring and warning work, and taking timely response measures to reduce the harm of smog to people. In addition, individuals can also take some measures, such as reducing driving and limiting the use of fireworks to reduce emissions from pollution sources.


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