Transformers,变形 also known as \"Transformers: The Movie,\" is a science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and released in 2007. The film is based on the popular toy and media franchise of the same name, which originated in the 1980s.
Transformers follows the story of the Autobots, a race of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron who are at war with the Decepticons, a group of evil robots who seek to conquer the universe. The Autobots are led by Optimus Prime, a wise and powerful warrior who is determined to protect humanity from the Decepticons' tyranny.
The film features a star-studded cast, including Shia LaBeouf as the human protagonist, Sam Witwicky, and Megan Fox as his love interest, Mikaela Banes. The Autobots are voiced by actors such as Peter Cullen, who also voiced Optimus Prime in the original animated series, and Mark Ryan.
Transformers was a box office success, grossing over $700 million worldwide. It was followed by several sequels, including Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Transformers: Age of Extinction.